General Information

Time Difference
Singapore time is 8 hours ahead of the Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).

Traveling within Singapore
Getting around Singapore is a breeze via the buses, trains or taxis.

Airport Transfers
Singapore Changi Airport is easily accessible with many modes of transportation available to and from the Airport. For drivers, car parks are available at every Terminal of the airport as well. For more information, visit www.changiairport.com/getting-around.

Singapore electrical voltage is 220-240 AC, 50 Hertz. Most hotels can provide a transformer to convert electrical appliances from 110-120AC, 60 Hertz to the local voltage. When shopping for electrical appliances here, do remember to check the voltage of the item against the acceptable voltage in your home country. A three-pin, square shaped plug socket system is used.

Singapore is known for its hot and humid weather, with little variation throughout the year. The average daytime temperature is 31°C (88°F), dropping to around 24°C (75°F) in the evenings.

Money Matters
The currency used in Singapore is the Singapore dollar (SGD). Money changing services can be found at the Changi Airport, as well as most shopping centers and hotels around the island. You can also access the automated teller machines (ATMs) located everywhere in Singapore, that accept main credit cards such as Visa, MasterCard and American Express.

GST Relief
A 7% Goods and Services Tax (GST) is levied on all goods and services purchased in Singapore. As a visitor to Singapore, you can enjoy GST refunds on goods purchased upon your departure at Singapore’s Changi Airport.

Tipping is appreciated, but not mandatory. Most hotels and restaurants levy a 10% service charge on their bills.

All stated dates and timings for this conference are in accordance to the Singapore time, GMT +8.
Copyright © IDF-WPR & AASD 2014

  Hosted by
Held in
Supported by
Chapter of Endocrinologists
College of Physicians, Singapore